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Garden Flowers

Our jardin potager (vegetable garden) is doing very well, despite a late start this year. I'm certain that it's because this summer has been so much nicer than last year. Sun and warmth were totally lacking in summer 2007.

Haricots verts/green beans.

Right now, especially, we're seeing lots of blossoms. There are vegetables, too, but today I'm highlighting the flowers.


Some of the plants grew from seeds, like the haricots verts (green beans), courgettes (zucchini), and capucines (nasturtiums). The capucines actually come up on their own, having re-seeded themselves from years past. I often have to pull a lot of them out since they don't all come up where I would prefer them to.


The origan (oregano) came up from plants that I had grown from seed last fall. They came back much more vigorously this year, and are now flowering beautifully. I'm not sure they'll come up again, so I'll have to research that.


The marguerites (black-eyed susans) are volunteers as well, from seeds given to us by Chris from California, a frequent commenter on our blogs. I still have some seed packets to sow, which I'd better do before they get too old.

Marguerites/black-eye susans.

And finally, the bergamot is actually flowering! These plants came from cuttings I took (swiped) from plants we saw at our gîte on the Ile d'Oléron in May. I didn't think they'd flower this year, but they have. Next year should be awsome!

Bergamot Now I don't know what this is.

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