A videogame website should be fun to play, right? ...Wait, fun to play? Yeah, instead of being a "reader" or "viewer" of KoopaTV, we will now deem you a "player".
Starting March 1, 2015, we will be activating a (the) KoopaTV Loyalty program!
What is it?
The KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program is a competition between you, the players. We want to drive up player participation at KoopaTV, since that makes our work more rewarding to us, and it's the fairest way to give out free stuff.
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FREE STUFF. BY PARTICIPATING. See below for how to do that. |
How to win?
It's a point-based competition with you (anyone not named "Anonymous") having the opportunity to earn points via the following methods:
Method | Point Gain | Frequency Limits | Notes |
Comment! | +1 for commenting, +1 for giving the Truth, +1 for having Levity, +3 for being positively featured in a monthly newsletter. | Point gains once per calendar day | You can comment multiple times a day, and if one comment doesn't have Truth/Levity but a subsequent comment does, you'll be awarded the Truth/Levity point for the day. |
Correct us! | Up to +5, depending on how egregious the error | None, but there's a statute of limitations of 365 days on things that can be corrected | Satire, obvious joke articles, reaction logs, guest articles (not “us”) and comments, are not eligible to be corrected. Errors can include simple grammar to factual inaccuracies, to passing unproven assertions as fact. |
Request! (Click here for the Requests page.) | Up to +3 for a good request. | Once per calendar week | If your request isn't deemed worthy of earning three points, you can submit another to reach that three. |
Submit Guest Content! (Click here for the Guest Posts process.) | A minimum of +5, and then up to +10 additional points depending on the quality. | None | Points earned when submitted. KoopaTV's staff will grade your article out of 10. Guest Art may or may not be subject to +5 minimum point gain depending on the medium. |
Refer people! | +6 | None | If a new person (never commented on KoopaTV before) namedrops you in a comment. |
Improve KoopaTV's TV Tropes presence! | +2 | Once per calendar day | You need to tell us if you make an edit. You can edit the Website/KoopaTV page, the VideoGames/KoopaTV page, or edit another page on TV Tropes to name-drop KoopaTV. |
Fill out KoopaTV's Feedback Forms and Quizzes! (Click here for the page with those.) | +4 for completing the current Feedback Form, up to +6 for the current Quiz depending on score. | Once per Round | The current quiz and feedback form are clearly marked on the KoopaTV page for them. Filling out older ones is just for amusement. If you fill it out multiple times, only the first will be counted, with the name you provide. |
Contribute an outlet to the List of Media Outlets that Spread Nintendo Switch hardware revision at E3 2021 FAKE NEWS. | +1 per valid media outlet or prominent individual. | None | In that article's comments section, provide a link to the offending fake news report (must be presented as news by the outlet) that a Nintendo Switch hardware revision would be announced at or before E3 2021. |
Subscribe to KoopaTV by e-mail, and forward an e-mail to subscription (at) koopatv (dot) org to prove it | +4 at the start of the next calendar month. | Once per calendar month (twice per round) | Click that link and then verify your e-mail. Once you receive KoopaTV articles, forward one to subscription (at) koopatv (dot) org with your name. You only need to forward one per calendar month, and points are given at the start of the next calendar month. |
Film and upload a Let's Play of Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!! | Up to +10 depending on the quality. | Once per user's lifetime | Leave a link to the KoopaTV page for the game in the description(s). |
Film and upload a Let's Play of Defend Anita Sarkeesian | Up to +15 depending on the quality. | Once per user's lifetime | Leave a link to the KoopaTV page for the game in the description(s). |
Film and upload a Let's Play of Capture the Confederate Flag | Up to +20 depending on the quality. | Once per user's lifetime | Leave a link to the KoopaTV page for the game in the description(s). |
Write a review of Capture the Confederate Flag and submit it as a guest post to KoopaTV. | Up to +10 depending on the quality, on top of guest submission points. | Once per user's lifetime | Be honest. |
Film and upload a Let's Play of The Wonderful 1237 | Up to +25 depending on the quality. | Once per user's lifetime | Leave a link to the KoopaTV page for the game in the description(s). |
Write a review of The Wonderful 1237 and submit it as a guest post to KoopaTV. | Up to +10 depending on the quality, on top of guest submission points. | Once per user's lifetime | Be honest. |
Film and upload a Let's Play of Soviet Missile Run | Up to +25 depending on the quality. | Once per user's lifetime | Leave a link to the KoopaTV page for the game in the description(s). |
Write a review of Soviet Missile Run and submit it as a guest post to KoopaTV. | Up to +10 depending on the quality, on top of guest submission points. | Once per user's lifetime | Be honest. |
Tracking Progress!
The leaderboard is here.It's a spreadsheet. You can't be on the spreadsheet if you're anonymous.
Previous winners are viewable from the spreadsheet based on the round number. The spreadsheet is updated every time there is a point event, with the date provided being the date the point event took place.
This leaderboard ensures maximum transparency into the process.
Prizes and Time Periods!
Round 46 is September 1 to October 31, 23:59 Eastern time.
- One year membership in the KoopaTV Nintendo Switch Online Family Group
For some boring stuff: Round 46 begins 00:00 (ET) on September 1, 2022 and ends 23:59 (ET) on October 31, 2022. That means no retroactivity. You must be 13 years old or older to participate. Cheating gets you disqualified in this round and all future rounds. Ways of cheating include faking referrals (so I'd avoid referring your "sister") and plagiarising/stealing guest submissions. If we feel you're cheating or you're not doing quality things, we have the right to adjust the points/assign penalties as we see fit. Whether something is truthful or has levity is totally up to KoopaTV's staff. Former and present KoopaTV staff members may not participate. If you become a KoopaTV staff member during a round, you will be disqualified. You will be contacted if you're a winner by whatever contact means you leave us. All prize codes are applicable to North America only unless stated otherwise. Please only answer for yourself in quizzes/forms. Misrepresenting your identity will result in you being permanently banned from the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program.
Codes are on a higher-place-first-served basis.
People residing in Quebec are not eligible for entry.
For Round 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, and 41's random drawing:
The random drawing is done by adding up everyone's point values and using that as the denominator. In the order that each participant's sums are presented on the leaderboard spreadsheet, each participant will an equivalent number of chances to win as they have points. So if Participant A has 5 points, B has 3 points, and C has 7 points, the RNG will pick from 1 to 15, and A wins if it falls from 1 to 5, B from 6 to 8, and C from 9 to 15. If KoopaTV can't come in contact with the winner of the random drawing within a week, we'll re-draw and try again.
For Round 22, 28, 34, 40, and 46's's Nintendo Switch Online Family Group membership:
The Nintendo Switch Online Family Group membership lasts from November 1, 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022 to October 31, 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023.
Have fun.
- Do I need to create an account to sign-up?
- No! Just comment non-anonymously or do any of the other actions provided above with a consistent name and you'll be entered into our publicly-viewable spreadsheet.
- How do I know you'll actually award the prize to me?
- Just ask any of the previous winners. KoopaTV has a reputation for being a transparent and honest organisation (with the domain extension to show for it) that has given people their prizes promptly in the past.
- Who does the judging for the judgment-call points?
- Usually Ludwig, who may consult the staff on border cases. He also consults the other staff members on bigger-ticket point values like guest submissions. If you can win more than a point for something like a guest post, the number of points you earn is basically a quality score.
- What do "truth" and "levity" mean?
- Truth and levity represent the two pillars of the KoopaTV philosophy, so we'd like our readers to exhibit that as well. Truth means that your comment is rooted in the facts or is based in some sort of coherent logic. It usually means that your comment was value-added. Levity means that you're not taking yourself too seriously and you're having fun with us. If you can get a staff member to laugh from your comment, that's a sure way to earn your levity point for the day.
- Can I get points for commenting on old articles?
- Yes. The only limits on comments is how many you points you can earn a day, but you may get the points by commenting on any article, not just the most recent one. It's good to revisit classic material!
- What about activity that takes place on the days in-between rounds?
- They aren't counted for the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program.
9/1/2022: Round 46 has begun.7/1/2022: Round 45 has begun.
5/2/2022: Round 44 has begun.
3/2/2022: Round 43 has begun.
1/3/2022: Round 42 has begun. There is now a new page to submit requests on.
11/2/2021: Round 41 has begun. The random prize component has returned.
9/2/2021: Round 40 has begun. Also discovered that the Official KoopaTV Logo Use Request form was against terms of use and was forced out of existence.
7/1/2021: Round 39 has begun.
6/25/2021: Announced a new point-gaining method, adding to "List of Media Outlets that Spread Nintendo Switch hardware revision at E3 2021 FAKE NEWS".
5/1/2021: Round 38 has begun.
3/1/2021: Round 37 has begun.
1/1/2021: Round 36 has begun.
11/2/2020: Round 35 has begun. The random prize component has returned. The Feedback Form has gone back down to 4 points.
9/1/2020: Round 34 has begun. The Feedback Form & Quiz have returned, and have increased points for this time. For the third time, the prize is membership in a Nintendo Switch family group.
7/1/2020: Round 33 has begun. The Feedback Form & Quiz are back on hiatus.
5/1/2020: Round 32 has begun. The KoopaTV Loyalty Cruise Program has been cancelled due to events beyond our control.
4/1/2020: KoopaTV announced an additional benefit to winning KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program rounds: The KoopaTV Loyalty Cruise Program!
3/1/2020: Round 31 has begun.
1/1/2020: Round 30 has begun. The point gain for the Feedback Form has been cut from 8 to 4 points.
11/20/2019: Clarified what we all knew, that you must be 13 years old or older to play.
11/1/2019: Round 29 has begun.
9/1/2019: Round 28 has begun. For the second time ever, the prize is membership in a Nintendo Switch family group. E-mail subscription has been added as a point method.
7/1/2019: Round 27 has begun.
5/1/2019: Round 26 has begun.
3/2/2019: Round 25 is a thing, and the Feedback Form & Quiz are off hiatus.
1/1/2019: Round 24 has begun.
11/1/2018: Round 23 has begun.
9/3/2018: Round 22 has begun. The Feedback Form & Quiz are on hiatus. For the first time ever, the prize is membership in a Nintendo Switch family group.
7/4/2018: Clarified that guest articles are not permitted for Corrections Corner.
7/3/2018: Round 21 has begun.
6/3/2018: This page has been updated to look nicer, with the embedded spreadsheet turning into an HTML table.
5/2/2018: Round 20 has begun.
3/2/2018: Round 19 has begun.
1/20/2018: New one-time bonus (plus ten points for winning the President Trump Fair & Balanced Mini-Contest) added.
1/8/2018: Rainbow Rocket Grunt Pixel failed to show up, so there was another raffle drawing and Vanessa Tsukino won. She received the code.
1/1/2018: Round 18 has begun. Referrals have had their points buffed and restrictions eliminated, and you can now win points via being the best comment of the month. Soviet Missile Run now has Let's Play and review one-time bonuses, while one-time bonuses based on KoopaTV's previous games have had their point values reduced. KoopaTV is calling for contact information for Rainbow Rocket Grunt Pixel because she won Round 17's raffle.
11/1/2017: Round 17 has begun.
9/1/2017: Round 16 has begun. A Round 16-exclusive one-time bonus of an Ace Attorney guest post contest is the round's special feature.
7/1/2017: Round 15 has begun, and a slight clarifying statement on Guest Art was made.
5/1/2017: Round 14 has begun, and corrections points are now available.
3/7/2017: Round 13 has begun a few days ago.
1/2/2017: Round 12 has begun. The Wonderful 1237 now has Let's Play and review one-time bonuses.
11/5/2016: Wrote that the random drawing winner has a week to receive their prize.
10/31/2016: Round 11 created, with prizes and info up. Referral and TV Tropes edit point values increased.
10/2/2016: Removed those embedded YouTube videos and changed the points list to a table.
8/30/2016: Round 10 created. Prize is a $10 eShop code.
7/17/2016: Round 9's prize is a $10 eShop code.
7/15/2016: New one-time bonus for filling out the Official KoopaTV Logo Use Request form.
7/1/2016: Round 9 begins, but no announced prizes yet.
5/4/2016: Well, there's an idea of what the prizes are.
5/2/2016: Round 8 begins, but we don't know what the prizes are yet.
3/1/2016: Round 7 begins with new prizes.
1/1/2016: Capture the Confederate Flag Let's Play and review one-time bonuses now up. Also, Round 6 begins with new prizes.
11/17/2015: Defend Anita Sarkeesian footage now gives up to 25 points.
11/2/2015: Round 5 info given. Sorta.
9/3/2015: Round 3 prize given out. Round 4 prizes and info up. Also uploaded a new video for Round 4, and added a FAQ.
8/3/2015: New method of getting points via TV Tropes.
8/1/2015: Closing the Elite Beat Agents prize.
7/8/2015: Referral period of active commenting now 5 days, not 7.
7/4/2015: New video for Round 3.
6/30/2015: Prizes from Round 2 fully distributed, prize for Round 1 up. Artwork request added as one-time bonus. Also, referrals now give FOUR additional points instead of two when they stay for a whole week.
6/12/2015: Prizes from Round 1 fully distributed so prizes for Round 2 actually finalised now.
6/1/2015: Round 1 ended, so Round 2's begin/end dates are implemented, along with prizes. Requests are now three points (from two). Guest submissions may now earn up to nine points each (from five). You may now earn two additional points for referring someone when they stay for at least a whole week, up from one.
If you have any questions or suggestions, this comments section is a good place to voice them.
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