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Are Brick and Mortar Stores Obsolete for Historical Gamers?

For the historical miniature wargaming hobby, do we need brick and mortar stores?  No.  Do I wish we all had local stores that have all sorts of stock with lots of available game tables.  Yes.

We have seen countless stores close over the years with no replacements springing up.  But I have seen lots of new boardgame/card stores open.  They seem to be doing well.  I think this is because the boardgaming hobby is growing.  General hobby stores have virtually no historical miniature related stock apart from Warlord Games (Bolt Action) or Battlefront (Flames of War).  The Sentry Box (photo below) store in Calgary is a bad example.  They have lots of historical stock.

I am told constantly to support your local brick and mortar store, but I drive to these rare stores and find nothing to buy.  At this point, it is a complete waste of time.  These days I find myself buying most of my needed miniatures and buildings from across the ocean (UK or Europe).  I don't mind.  The exchange rate is not too bad at the moment and for most of what I need I don't have an option.

The only reason I can think of the purpose of a brick and mortar store for historical gamers is a place to game.  This of course does not help the owner, because there is nothing to buy.

Maybe things will change in the future and there will be a resurgence of brick and mortar stores with lots of great historical hobby stuff to buy.  Though, I think that is a just a dream.

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