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A Little Update....

Hello friends! Merry Christmas Eve! I just wanted to give you all a little update on the current blog situation. The blog will be on a short winter hiatus until the new year. I've been crazy busy lately with the holiday and finishing up with school that I haven't really had much time to do anything else. I'm going to California to visit my  mom and brother for a much needed vacation. But don't worry, I'll be working on getting some great content up for when I get back. So until then you can still see all the fun things I'm up to/what I'm wearing/everything else via Instagram, Snapchat (@samanthagoble), Twitter and Pinterest

I can't wait for 2016 and all the fun, exciting thing it has in store! 

Thank you guys for following along with me for another great year. I couldn't have done it without you. 

I wish every single one of you a very Merry Christmas and the most wonderful New Year! 

I will see you guys in 2016! 

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